Entering into the Inclusive Design Program at Ontario College of Arts and Design University I had my pre-depositions on what Inclusive design is. I had thought that it meant making a space accessible to people who have disabilities or making the LGBTQ2+ community and BIPOC identifying individuals feel safe and included with companies. But Inclusive Design is much more than that. It turns out that my bias about inclusivity is categorized as Universal Design.

Universal vs Inclusive

Universal Design is the design of an item or place that is meant to allow as many people as possible to be able to access it.

The design and composition of an environment so that it may be accessed, understood and used

  • To the greatest possible extent
  • In the most independent and natural manner possible
  • In the widest possible range of situations
  • Without the need for adaptation, modification, assistive devices or specialised solutions, by any persons of any age or size or having any particular physical, sensory, mental health or intellectual ability or disability

Inclusive Design is a way of thinking that is threaded through the entire design process. It is the realization that designing something one way does not always fit everyones ability to use it. Designing multiple variations so that everyone can be included knowing that the way one person functions will not work with someone else.

Entering into the Inclusive Design Program at Ontario College of Arts and Design University I had my pre-depositions on what Inclusive design is. I had thought that it meant making a space accessible to people who have disabilities or making the LGBTQ2+ community and BIPOC identifying individuals feel safe and included with companies. But Inclusive Design is much more than that. It turns out that my bias about inclusivity is categorized as Universal Design.

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